Study Skills Classes
Teach Students to Manage Academics Successfully
Our Study Skills Workshop classes provide a whole group mini-lesson to teach study skills or life skills. Then students complete homework with individualized help from teachers.
Breaking large assignments into logical and manageable pieces.
Each class follows this routine:
A New Skill
We teach a new academic study skill or life skill.
Individualized Study
We teach individualized study skill lessons related to daily homework.
We Help Students Improve:
Top Three Executive Functioning Skills:
working memory, mental flexibility, self controlOrganization
Pacing homework without running out of time
Reviewing homework for best work
Learning through questioning
Managing stress effectively
Successful conflict resolution skills
Goals for the future vs. appreciating the now
Good manners in school and work
Middle School Students Also Learn:
Taking notes
Studying for tests efficiently
Breaking large assignments into logical and manageable piece
Connecting with teachers / finding mentors / references